Copyright and Terms of Use

The copyright in the digital and printed works of The Language of the Scottish Traveller:  A Dictionary is owned by Pauline Cairns Speitel and managed by the Dictionaries of the Scots Language SCIO. This website makes the dictionary available to you solely for non-commercial research purposes (such as private reference, personal research, background research for authors, and the provision of teaching materials). It is not an open dataset. Beyond limited extracts of up to a few hundred words which are necessary for your research or teaching, you may not reproduce, copy or transmit any part of the data on this site without an explicit licence from Dictionaries of the Scots Language SCIO. However, we are always pleased to discuss researcher use of this dictionary. Should you be involved in a project which requires a substantial amount of dictionary data, please contact us at On application, we can discuss no-cost research licences, providing your purposes do not overlap with an in-progress project for which a license has already been issued.

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