
Dr Rhona Alcorn, Dictionaries of the Scots Language SCIO

Jean Anderson, University of Glasgow

Nick and Tim Cairns, for examples of words of Traveller origin as used by non-Travellers.

Dr Leonie Dunlop, for helpful suggestions re names.

Ann Ferguson, for her clarity of thought.

Professor Bashabi Fraser, for help with Sanskrit and Hindi.

Professor Emeritus William Gillies, for helpful comments and etymologies on words of Gaelic origin.

Manigeh Hoyland, for help with Persian.

Professor John Kirk

Dr Will Lamb

Dr Margaret Mackay, who supplied common sense and sound advice.

Arnot McDonald, School of Scottish Studies Librarian, for her tireless help in squirreling out obscure volumes.

Professor Emeritus Donald Meek, for help with Gaelic in the early stages of this project.

Peader Ó Muircheartaigh

Paul Pope

Professor Emeritus Jeremy Smith, University of Glasgow

Jess Smith and Robert Dawson, whose The Scottish Traveller Dialects was the initial inspiration for this dictionary.

Warren Taylor, a ‘showman’ who gave me examples of words his community share with the Traveller and Gypsy communities.

I wish also to thank Dictionaries of the Scots Language SCIO – particularly Pauline Graham – for their help in publishing this dictionary and Ruth O’Donovan for creating the online version. Finally, I thank the Scottish Government for its generous support of this work.