
chib, tschib, tchib noun the tongue la19-. etymology: Romany jib which is possibly a development of Hindi jibh ‘the tongue’ or perhaps connected with Cant chib, chiv ‘a knife or blade’; form tschib collected Joseph F G S Lucas from Kirk Yetholm Gypsies; form tchib collected by Rev John Baird from Kirk Yetholm Gypsies; also form chib collected by RD note:

Grellmann (1787) collected the forms Tʃchib, Tʃcheb ‘The Tongue’ and Tʃchip ‘The Speech’ from Continental gipsies.

Grose and Egan (1823) attest the forms chive, chiff ‘a knife, file, or saw.

Smart & Crofton (1875) collected the forms chib, chiv, jib n., ‘the tongue, language’ from English Gypsies.