
kip, kep noun a bed: A shukar kip. [A good bed.] la19-. etymology: possibly connected with Danish kippe ‘a mean hut, a low alehouse’ and horekippe ‘a brothel’; originally in English this was defined as ‘a house of ill fame’; a common lodging-house; a bed in such a house; hence, a bed in general; form kip attested by Galloway Tinkler-Gypsies and JS; also collected by Rev John Baird from Kirk Yetholm Gypsies note:

Smart & Crofton (1875) collected the form Kóppa ‘a blanket’ from English Gypsies which may have a connection with this.

Canadian Paul Pope (2013) cites kip with the same meaning. He also cites kip ken ‘a house to lie in’.